Kurt Steege, CTO at ThunderCat Technology sits down with GovExec TV to discuss how AI can be used to improve efficiency within governmental agencies and public institutions. We dive into what role AI plays in addressing some of the biggest challenges facing society today. Lastly, we discuss some examples of successful partnerships and initiatives where AI has been utilized to address public sector challenges, and what lessons can be learned from those experiences.   In this interview, Steege answers the following questions:
  1. How can AI be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services, and what are some examples of successful implementations?
  2. What role can AI play in addressing some of the biggest challenges facing society today, such as climate change, healthcare, and education?
  3. What skills and knowledge do public sector employees need to have in order to effectively work with AI, and how can they be trained and upskilled?
  4. Collaboration between the public and private sectors is often crucial for the successful implementation of AI initiatives. Can you discuss some examples of successful partnerships or initiatives where AI has been utilized to address public sector challenges, and what lessons can be learned from these experiences?
  5. In what ways can AI be leveraged to enhance decision-making processes within governmental agencies or public institutions, and how do you ensure transparency, lack of bias, and accountability in AI-driven decisions?
This interview is filmed in conjunction with GovExec TV on March 22nd, 2024 in Washington, D.C.