PMO Implementation and Support Services

During project implementation, you are strongly encouraged to use PMI processes and knowledge areas best suited to ensure project success. At a minimum, focus on the following areas and all deliverables called out in the contract.

Project Execution and Leadership

As the PM, our main role is to oversee successful execution of the engagement. The PM is the primary contact for any prime contractor-specific matters and the initiator of all formal prime contractor communications.

Responsibilities include:

  • Provide support to work directly with the project teams, managing contract performance, identifying and mitigating risk, coordinating change management/issue resolution, and validating financial performance
  • Ensure continuity on the project team with all staff and subcontractors and interfaces with customer project team or organization
  • Serve as the guarantor of customer satisfaction for the project and act as the customer advocate.

Project Contract Administration

Upon award and prior to the official Project Kick-Off meeting, the PM initiates contract administration via a planning session with applicable program and contracting officials to coordinate contract communication and performance management. Items normally discussed at the meeting include contract points of contact, signature/decision authority, specific contract deliverable requirements, special contract provisions, procedures for monitoring and measuring performance, and invoicing and payment procedures.

Objectives and Scope

The PM works with the account executives to ensure there is clear scope definition and agreement by all parties and will facilitate agreement on all scope change requests.

Project Coordination and Scheduling

The PM provides the required reporting and accounting tracking reports, and researches discrepancies in accordance with the provisions of the contract and specifications of the customer. The PM is the primary point of contact regarding any communications pertaining to the contract and is responsible for harmonizing the competing priorities of various project stakeholders. Responsibilities include:

  • Review project deliverables for schedule compliance, quality assurance and customer acceptance.
  • Monitor work plan progress. Any anticipated or agreed to deviations from the work plan are quickly escalated to the attention of the project sponsors for discussion and resolution with key stakeholders.

Project Communication Management

The PM employs the appropriate protocols necessary to establish constant communication with the customer. Specifically, they are engaged in the following activities:

  • Meeting facilitation (kickoff meetings, milestone reviews, status meetings, close-out meetings, etc.)
  • Verification of site access policies (customer, subcontractors, or third parties) and appropriate security measures
  • Establish status reporting format, frequency, and distribution
  • Establish/create issue tracking, notification, and escalation plans, including definition of severity levels, appropriate escalation contacts (L I-III), and intervals for subsequent escalations

Project Risk Management

The PM leads the development and administration of the risk management process, including risk issue identification and mitigation planning. This formal document, owned by the project manager, describes the risk management process, identifies the risks associated with the project and their impact, details the corresponding triggers, risk avoidance and contingency plans; and identifies the person(s) or party responsible for mitigating them. The Risk Management Plan is a living document that is updated throughout the life of the project.

Project Change Management

Change is an expected element of any complex project. The PM facilitates positive change by providing the mechanism to ensure changes are introduced, evaluated and ratified by all parties in a consistent and efficient manner. During the project, either party may request (in writing) additions, deletions or modifications to the scope. If necessary use the change request form provided earlier.

Project Management Plans (PMP)

The PM is the lead author of the PMP and ensures it is a useful document and is kept up-to-date.