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Tom Deierlein

Chief Executive Officer

Tom Deierlein, the CEO, is a former U.S. Army Major and combat wounded Operation Iraqi Freedom Vet. A Bronze Star and Purple Heart recipient, he is now medically retired with a 100% permanent disability rating. He has been involved in the sales, marketing and operations of mission critical applications and emerging technologies since 1993.

Tom’s call sign while serving in Baghdad was “ThunderCat 6” – hence our name: ThunderCat Technology.

Graduating from United States Military Academy, West Point in 1989, Tom spent nearly five years in the military; first, earning his Airborne Ranger qualification and then, onto various leadership positions with the Berlin Brigade. Tom left active duty in 1993.  Twelve years later, in late 2005, Tom was recalled to active duty serving as a Civil Affairs Officer in East Baghdad. There, he helped manage over $290 million in reconstruction and economic development projects. In September of 2006, he was shot by a sniper and critically wounded. The bullet shattered his pelvis and the base of his spine. After 8 months of intensive care at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the VA Polytrauma Rehab Center in Tampa Florida, Tom returned to the business world in June 2007.

Tom first got involved in the technology field in the mid 90′s with Parametric Technology Corporation, working with clients such as IBM, United Technologies. and electrical connector giant, AMP. In 1996, he joined internet start up, NetGravity. During this time, he played a key role in the development and sale of the first fully networked version of their AdServer system. In 2000, Tom joined up with Dynamic Logic, a technology-based research firm that tracked and reported on advertising effectiveness for clients like Oracle, Cisco, Intel, DELL, Microsoft, and Symantec. As their Chief Operating Officer, he was instrumental in the growth and development of that company from 7-person start up into clear industry leader acquired by WPP in 2005.

Tom has also earned a Master of Science in Systems Management from University of Southern California in 1993 and an MBA from NYU Stern School of Business in 2000. Tom has been quoted and featured in The New York Times, NBC Nightly News, Forbes, Wall Street Journal,, and PARADE Magazine.

In Fall of 2006, a foundation was started by Tom and others.  TD Foundation is a 100% volunteer organization that provides aid to children of wounded warriors and fallen heroes.  They help American Veterans’ families in crisis.

He lives with his wife Mary Beth and three boys in Garden City, NY.

Click Here to listen to a podcast about how Tom’s experience makes ThunderCat a “Pivotal Player.”